We all know that couple. The couple that makes every single argument & problem a public announcement. Every one of their followers is convinced they are broken up for sure, just to see a post the next day about how much they love each other. If you want everyone to know every last fight & issue of your relationship, be my guest. But I don't think that is the best way to go about it.
Anyone who follows me on any social media account knows I CONSTANTLY post about my husband. He is in 99% of my Instagram photos, tweets, & posts on Facebook. Everyone knows we are together & thriving. Which is good, because if there are seemingly no cracks in your relationship, there won't be anything (or anyone) trying to fill them. One angry post about how annoying your boyfriend or girlfriend is can cause people to comment & message you telling you that if you need anything, they are there for you. Which is fine, if it is your friend, but a complete stranger with no knowledge of you but your screen name, not so much.
I believe this is one of the main issues with our generation. We turn to social media to complain & rant any time something doesn't go how we wanted. We run to our "friends" that we have never even met to tell us they are there for us. We love to hear the ringtone we have set for our messenger app that lets us know that someone we share mutual friends with & likes your selfies, cares. I am by no means discrediting online friendships. Some of my most supportive friends I met online. However, if your "friendship" is solely a comment or message every time you post an angry status, you may want to reevaluate.
No relationship is perfect. My husband & I argue sometimes, but I will not publicly insult someone I am sharing my life with. That just is not right. It is one thing to complain about how stressed you are or how things just are not going your way. But to bash your so called "partner" on Facebook is not the way to handle your relationship problems. Yes, there is a delete button on every social media site now, but once you hit "post," at least one person will be seeing what you said.
Share your relationships triumphs, not its downfalls. & next time you have an argument with your boyfriend, try calling them about your problems instead of posting it where your grandma can see it. Because that is a very confusing conversation to have over Thanksgiving dinner.
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