Sunday, March 19, 2017

10 Things I Learned After Moving Out

As most of you guys know, I moved to Hawaii recently to (finally) be with my husband. It is 4,107 miles away from the place I called home for 16 years & Jake has been on a field operation since before I got here, so you guessed it. I am completely alone in Hawaii, which sounds like a dream for most & while this place is undeniably beautiful, I am pretty lonely. I know what you're probably thinking, "You married a guy in the military, get used to being alone." Well, I know this, but its different coming to a brand new place alone than just waiting for him to come back to the home we have together. So, from a newly-living-on-her-own kid, here are some things I have already experienced & learned (that my parents probably told me at one point but I did not listen) in my first week as an official adult:

1. Groceries are really expensive, even when you don't buy name brand stuff.

2. Make sure you bring bath towels, because I promise you will want to shower & without them well, you can't. 

3. When the wind blows a door closed, it is acceptable to scream like a 4 year old.

4. Make sure to read the labels on laundry detergent & softener so that you make sure you buy one of each, not two of the same.

5. Turn the lights off when you leave a room.

6. If your shower drain is clogged, don't try to find a DIY to fix it. Just go buy some Drano.

7. Always have Advil, Pepto, & NyQuil on hand. ALWAYS.

8. There is in fact a difference between a kitchen hand towel & bathroom hand towel.

9. Before going grocery shopping (or any kind of shopping) make a list, or you will buy very unnecessary things.

10. Do not forget to call your mom & dad or any other adult that's helped you out & tell them that you miss them & you should have listened to them more. 

Moving out is liberating, & it is not as easy as it seems. I don't regret moving or want to go back for good, but I do miss not having to remember to buy toilet paper or eggs.


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